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First 5 Placer

All Together Now

Updated: Oct 8, 2019

Early childhood advocacy campaign for California’s young kids

This August, First 5 joined with partners to launch All Together Now, a new campaign and rallying cry to amplify the need to make policies, practices, and systems better for California’s kids. Priority areas for the campaign include developmental screening, early intervention, paid family leave, home visiting, and early learning.

Placer County Partners, Let's Support the Effort!

All Together Now is about building collective momentum toward a better future for California. For local advocates, the campaign offers many ways to get involved, show support and share the message.

  1. Get the partner toolkit and visit All Together Now’s website. It contains common messaging, fact sheets, and social media assets to help equip advocates of all kinds—including parents and families—with communications tools to ensure young kids are prioritized in policy and budget decisions.

  2. Sign on to receive All Together Now updates through the website to stay current on new resources and opportunities to push out early childhood messaging.

  3. Follow progress at @LittleCAKids on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

Sampling of Assets in the Campaign Toolkit

Quotes from the Campaign

“The first five years offer a huge opportunity, when we can lay the tracks for kids to thrive socially, cognitively, and emotionally. “We know that healthy, resilient kids become well-rounded adults who create thriving communities—and this doesn’t happen by magic.”

~ Sarah Crow, managing director of First 5 Center for Children’s Policy

“Everyone in California benefits from strong families and healthy kids,” “It’s time to dream big for our littlest kids.”

~ Moira Kenney, executive director of First 5 Center for Children’s Policy and First 5 Association of California

Campaign Sponsors

The campaign is funded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, the Silver Giving Foundation, and the Bay Area Early Childhood Funders.

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